
Musique Concrète
5 Pieces for sound objects and tape with optional visuals (ca. 26´)

I. Machine à coudre (sewing machine) ca. 6´
II. Ventilateurs (fans) ca. 5´
III. La radio…cette chambre des merveilles (The radio… that chambre of wonders) ca. 5´
IV. Electricité (electricity) ca. 5´
V. La machine à écrire (the typewriter) ca. 5´

Musique concréte makes music with second-hand objects, mostly bought in the markets or rescued from the trash. Two performers manipulate sound objects and slide-projectors in different spots of a dark room, producing performative installations in dialogue with the architecture of the space. Music, sound, and space design are organized in a score creating complete audiovisual scenes with simple means.
Flexible in format, Musique concrète could be played as a whole cycle, or in individual scenes.
A concert version (without visuals) focusing in the sound qualities of the objects in dialogue with the tape is also possible.

#I. Machine à coudre (sewing machine) for sewing machine, scissors, nails, tape and optional crank-hand projector. Recorded objects are in counterpoint with the ones played live. A 5mm movie made with dots punched in the film by the same sewing machine follow the music.

#2. Ventilateurs (electric fans) for 2 ventilators and 2 flash lights: small flash lights convert turning fans into home-made projectors. Different speeds on the fans modify the of the motors and the speed of the shadows on space.

#3. La radio…cette chambre des merveilles (The radio… that chambre of wonders) for live radio, tape and hand-crank projector. The tape is based on excerpts of Pierre Schaeffer’s voice from Solfège de l’objet sonore (1967). A home made movie comments Schaeffer´s texts.

#4. Electricité (electricity) for string telephone, tape and 2 optional slide projectors: is the story of a cable projected into a light circus circle. The sound possibilities of a simple string telephone are wide and surprising. Buzzing, shortcuts, statics, clicks and humming sounds conform the sound track accompanying the live string-telephone.

#5. La machine à écrire (the typewriter) for xylophone and 2 slide projectors. The xylophone is used as a typewriter. the performer types fragment of the text “Solfège de l’objet sonore ” by Schaeffer . Optional projectors project the same using the performer and the space around as a screen.

Musique concrète was comissioned by NFPK, The Netherlands

*Music and visuals composed by Cecilia Arditto Delsoglio

Techs for the version with visuals:

– 4 mic-stands (without the microphones)
– 1 percussion table
– 4 music-stands with light
– white surface/s to project (a wall is possible, preferably no screens)
– dark and silent space required: traditional stage, art galleries, schools, studios, halls, etc.
Workshops after concert with the audience are possible.
No amplification necessary
No technicians needed!only we need a plug to connect our equipment (we don´t use lighting or audio from the hall)

Techs for the concert version
(without visuals):

-2 percussion tables or any small table
-2 music stands with lights
– Ordinary plugs for our the low-tech devices