Cecilia Arditto Delsoglio



Cycle of pieces for sound objects and tape
(visuals are optional)
ca. 26´

Music and visuals composed by Cecilia Arditto

Musique concrète was comissioned by NFPK, NL



Musique concrete makes music with second-hand objects, mostly bought in the markets or rescued from the trash. Two performers manipulate sound-objects and slide-projectors in different spots of a dark room, producing performative-installations in dialogue with the architecture of the space. Music, sound, and space-design are organized in a score creating complete audiovisual scenes with simple means.
Flexible in format, “Musique concrète” could be played as a whole cycle, or in individual scenes.
A concert version (without visuals) is also possible.

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Machine à coudre (sewing machine) for sewing machine, scissors, nails, tape and optional crank-hand projector. Recorded objects are in counterpoint with the ones played live. A 5mm movie made with dots punched in the film by the same sewing machine follow the music.

Ventilateurs (electric fans) for 2 ventilators and 2 flash lights: small flash lights convert turning fans into home-made projectors. Different speeds on the fans modify the movement of the shadows on space.


La radio…cette chambre des merveilles (The radio… that chambre of wonders) for live radio, tape and hand-crank projector. The tape is based on excerpts of Pierre Schaeffer’s voice from Solfège de l’objet sonore (1967). A home made movie comments Schaeffer´s texts.

Electricité (electricity) for string telephone, tape and 2 optional slide projectors: is the story of a cable projected into a light circus circle. The sound possibilities of a simple string telephone are wide and surprising. Buzzing, shortcuts, statics, clicks and humming sounds conform the sound track accompanying the live string-telephone.

La machine à écrire (the typewriter) for xylophone and 2-slide projectors. The xylophone is used as a typewriter. The performer types fragments of the text “Solfège de l’objet sonore ” by Schaeffer. Optional projectors project the same text on the performer and the space around as a screen.

+ Bonus track: Vinyle (vinyl) for pre-recorded vinyl, pick up player and small flash light: a pre-recorded vinyl storage scratches, clicks, nails sounds and buzzing samples taken from a vintage  pickup player. The vinyl is  played by the same pickup player, duplicating live the sounds of the vinyl and creating some cause-consequence confusion. A small light attached to the vinyl spins around creating a low-tech disco effect. The room turns around in 33rpm.

Music and visuals composed by Cecilia Arditto

Musique concrète was comissioned by NFPK, NL

Download full cycle (PDF score)


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Download pieces independently (PDF score)

#1. Machine à coudre (sewing machine)

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#2a. Ventilateurs (fans): motors #2b. Ventilateurs (fans):sinewaves

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#3. La radio…cette chambre des merveilles (the radio… )

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#4. Électricité (electricity)

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#6. Machine à écrire (typewriter) – versions for xilophone/marimba or vibraphone in Spanish, French or English.

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Performance story


• 3 June -Trio Feedback – Mostra Sonora 2023, Sueca, Valencia, Spain

with Irene Sorazabal Moreno  – Studio LOOS Rebecqueplein Den Haag – lecture and concert as part of Sound arguments symposium.

Studio LOOS Rebecqueplein Den Haag – lecture as part of Sound arguments symposium.


• July 2022 ISCM World New Music Days 2022; Q Theatre, New Zealand. Musique concréte guest artists: Eric Renick


• 24 September 3r Cycle “El Generador” AMEBA A.A.G.G. Girona Spain
• 17-10-21 Neue Musik in St. Ruprecht, Vienna – Included in the program “The attic”


• 23 January, Musique Concrète, Splendor, Amsterdam


• 3 November Musique Concrète November Music Den Bosch – Netherlands

• 18 July Musique Concrète selected by Nieuwe Geneco to represent The Netherlands in ISCM 2020 in New Zeeland

• 22 September – Musique Concrète by Isak Goldschneider, clarinet
Cecilia Arditto, magic lanterns
Naada Yoga Montreal


20 September –Musique concrète by  Neo-percusión
Festival Vertixe Sonora
Pazo da Cultura de Pontevedra, Spain

18 September – Musique concrète by  Neo-percusión
Festival mAdrid aCTUAL
Teatro Galileo, calle Galileo 39 – Madrid, Spain
15 July  – Musique Concréte
#5. Electricity and #7. The typewriter
Actual Festival Àgora Percussió
Conservatory of Music Xàbia, Spain


• December 2017 Musique Concrete video shooting Amsterdam – Edu Hernández Pérez, video; Daniel Nicolas aditional camera


• May 2015 Musique Concrète grant by Storsignal (call for scores), Lubeck, Germany


• December 2013 – Musique Concrete NFPK – werkbeurs granted