Texts by me

Old as new as old as new as… (English)
Composer’s Notebook Quarterly #2 Amsterdam, April 2008 PDF article
Lo viejo y lo nuevo (Español)
VOXes Revista Académica de Música Nro.1 UNL, Bs As, Argentina Junio 2008 PDF article
My article About notation and the score of Zand (mistakenly titled Música invisible) was published in Notations 21 by Theresa Sauer. PDF article

My house in a score. Low-tech paraphernalia in chamber music (English)
The ear reader August 2014. PDF article
Mi casa en una partitura. Parafernalia low-tech en música de cámara (Español)
Revista Espacio Sonoro nº 32-01/2014 PDF article
Musique concrète: notes on image and sound (English)
Self-publish Februay 2016 PDF article
Musique concrète: anotaciones sobre imagen y sonido (Español)
Publicación propia Febrero 2016 PDF article
Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima, a personal listening.
Master Thesis Conservatory of Amsterdam, March 2004 – Coming soon.
References to my work - books
Música invisible for trumpet is cited in Modern Times for Brass by Malte Burba and Paul Hübner.
My article About notation and the score of Zand (mistakenly titled Música invisible) was published in Notations 21 by Theresa Sauer. Link to article
Música invisible for cello is cited in Une approche ergonomique des langages microtonaux au violoncelle by Émilie Girard-Charest.
A text I wrote for Notation 21 is quoted in The Work of Literary Translation by Clive Scott
Kijken naar geluid (seeing the sound)
Essay by Renèe van Marissing (Dutch); Pictures by Seye Cadmus
Link to article
Creating a colorful program by Ashley Killam International Trumpet Guide March 2021
Música invisible for trumpet is proposed as new repertoire for trumpet in education Link to article
Cecilia Arditto Delsoglio by Aftermath Laika (2021) Image Campus – Spanish
https://www.imagecampus.edu.ar/entrevistas/entrevista-cecilia-arditto-delsoglio Link to interview (online)
Cecilia Arditto Delsoglio by Makis Solomon (2004) The Logbook, Ensemble Aleph – English and French. Link to interview (PDF)
Talks online
Dixit | Interview series by Modelo62 | #5 Cecilia Arditto Delsoglio
Cecilia Arditto en conversación con Low Frequency Trio – Mexico
Tercer Encuentro Nacional de Composición IUPA, Patagonia, Argentina
Cecilia Arditto (composer) presenting at the 2021 Charlotte New Music Festival online
Cecilia Arditto Delsoglio – Interview Festival Mujeres en la Música Nueva 2020: Colombia
Cecilia Arditto in conversation about her piece Tissue – 2021 Composers’ Symposium
References to my work - thesis
Luisina Kippes (2022) La percepción del estímulo audiovisual en un espacio/recinto condicionante Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid. Esta investigación indaga acerca de cómo la distribución espacial y las estéticas tanto visuales como sonoras pueden condicionar y afectar a la percepción del espectador. La música de Elena Mendoza y Cecilia Arditto son el centro de este estudio.
Michele Abondano (2022) The composition of timbre: a multidimensional approach. PhD thesis, University of Leeds. Mention of my orchestra piece Tissue Link to PDF file
Dos Santos, Douglas Rafael (2019). Timbre exploration on water gongs. Turkish Music State Conservatory
Reference to La madre del río and Mapas del agua Link to PDF file
Vieri, Lilia Sofía (2017) Protagonismo de la mujer en la música. El rol de la mujer santafesina en la creación musical. Revista AMÉRICA Nº 26 Centro de estudios hispanoamericanos. Reference to my activity as a composer Link to full text
De Oliveira Filho, Pedro Amorin (2014). Compor no mundo: Um modelo de compor música sobre bases fenomenológicas. Universidade Federal da Bahia
Reference to Música invisible Link to full text